Thursday, July 31, 2008
*~ Lovin' My New Darling ~*
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
~* Time For Assignments! *~
Gavin is so-called changed. Taking notes with his laptop. Attending and staying awake in every single class. There's a trick behind it. You think he is really taking notes and so good to stay awake in every single class? Nahhhh... You wish! It's because he can still use the laptop to CHAT and SURF THE NET!
The only thing which i am disappointed with is how i see more XXs than XYs. Being one of the earliest people to get into every class, i could see the people who were entering and i told my friend, "Yerr.... Why getting more and more XXs? Where are those XYs?"
This is just the first week of college and it is time to start with the ASSIGNMENTS! No no.. It is not too fast. The questions are out and all of them have to be passed up somewhere in August!
Monday, July 28, 2008
*~ Sam's Convocation ~*
From left: Jean, Ayumi, Teddy, Me, Lisa, Sam.
Two guys at the back from left: Sim and Reuben.
While Sam went to look around for her friends to take pictures, we were waiting for her at the canteen and "syok sendiri".
Oh well, the day was seriously very hot that i could cook an egg on top of my head.
Finally, when we had the chance to leave the college and go for lunch, we went to SSL to eat Pan Mee.
My herbal soup Pan Mee.
Supposed that people go there to have the Spicy Pan Mee but seriously i had no idea what to eat and thus i just followed what the people nearest to me were eating.
Such a big portion that i could not finish and i had to give half to other. =_="
Hohoho.... Shopping time at Sunway. Yesh! Sunway Pyramid.
All the way from Wangsa Maju to Sunway.
We are that GREAT!
I know...
While waiting for the rest to finish trying the clothes, i actually...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
~* Lovin' People Around Me *~
Yesterday was my last day at work and it is time to back to college next week!
I really do not know what i should post here about work.
Too many things!
But, i know that the past three months had been really GREAT for me.
Everyone really cared for me.
Even with my personal life.
(Too much shopping; Too much food)
*~ Banana Mango Roll ~*
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
*~ The Sentimental Me ~*
This quote is from Poh Sze's blog again. I'm touched. *Sob sob* Like she said, it is unexpected. I still remember when both of us were in the same class for Form One. She was damn noisy with her vulgar words flying here and there in the air. For sometimes, we even like, "Shaddap laaa.... Poh Sze!" Then we were not that close anymore until Form 4 when we sort of like formed a gang with the others. Still, that did not tie our bond stronger. Not like today.
Today, or i should say recently, i have been very close to her. Going out with her. Chatting with her. Sharing our thoughts. I never expected to do all these with her before this. Never ever. And, i am glad for what has happened between both of us.
[By the way, she did not have to put my full name there. =_="]
I went to Mid Valley for lunch today. When i came up from the car park, i saw Robinsons which really reminded me of the Pierre Cardin wallet i saw on Sunday. Then, it led my thought to think about my dear Poh Sze .
I told my colleague on how Robinsons reminded me of the wallet. Of course, i also realised that the price is reasonable for a Pierre Cardin wallet. I even told my colleague that i am getting broke at the same time since i have a few birthday celebrations to attend and all of them are really my good friends! Also, i mentioned about the Esprit bag which i really *Heart*.
Then, i was being asked to choose between thePierre Cardin wallet anddinner at Tamarind Springs for my farewell. Instantly, my reply was,
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, it is going to be a dinner. Oh well. Dinner is better."
"You have until Thursday to think."
"Yes, I am sure dinner is the best. I rather invest by my own into the wallet. Do you know why?" "Why?"
"A gift. You just give it like this and that's it. Dinner. At least i can spend time with a friend before i leave the firm."
The Sentimental Me. :D
Sunday, July 20, 2008
~* Little Money For Many Things *~
I introduced Sushi Zanmai to her and she likes it! Like she said in her blog, "Nice place, tasty food, affordable price!Compared to Sushi King, Sakae Sushi, this is definitely better and more worth the money".
Like she further stated in her blog, "Stupid Kit Mun had us going back to the same place twice in Robinsons, because she couldn't decide whether she wanted to buy the wallet or not. Scooted here there". The wallets were too nice! Pierre Cardin!
Sha also stated, "Sei Kit Mun in the end didn't buy anything, nor did I". I just could not decide and the things i want to buy are way too expensive. I still need to consult my mum's opinion.
Poh Sze left me alone in the evening and i decided to continue walking around. And i saw this bag from Esprit. I *HEART* IT SO MUCH! Again, it is the price problem. I really need to consult my mum. I don't want to just buy it and let me being chopped or turned into minced meat after that.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
*~ Burpie ~*
It had been a long since my last time dining at Sunny Beach (Yeung Kwong). It used to be our hang out spot after school. Last two weeks, we decided to come here again to check out their food and beverages after few years.
I was the first one to be there and later joined by Pui Yen. We were (or should i say i was) so hungry that we ordered:
Sam Si Lang Min (Cold Noodle with 3-Types of Shreds)
The Shreds included carrot, cucumber and chicken.
Many of my friends didn't love this but i loved this because of its secret sauce.
You see, i use the word "loved".
Yeah~ I used to love this but not anymore since it was not that delicious like last time.
Look at her panda eyes.
Pity her.
She did not sleep at all the night before just to study for her exam.
Good girl.
By the way, she is my best friend since primary school and she stays near my house. :)
Phooi Jean and her boy boy were the last who came to join us.
Pity her boy boy.
He had to be the photographer.
*Who care?*
And, we started to order FOOD AND BEVERAGES...!!!
Orange fish rice.
It was worse than last time because they really used fish fillet last time and not the damn fishcakes.
Like those pieces of paints scrapped off from the wall and dropped on the damn toast.
Potato cheese balls.
Mashed potato with cheese filling and coated with bread crumbs before they deep fried those.
Not that nice anymore like last time.
The potato was getting thicker and the cheese filling was lesser. :(
Pui Yee was trying to hide her panda eyes from Phooi Jean's camera.
She did not want to take pictures with her panda eyes.
We headed to Pavilion after that without Phooi Jean and boy boy. Sob sob...
However, Phooi Jean was still kind enough to drop us at Pavilion despite the jam.
Trying out sandals at NOSE, Sungai Wang!
(Look at the pathetic Pui Yen sitting and having Pui Yee's bag on her laps)
Let me end this post with the camwhoring pictures of me.
Pretty me.
Haha... Fine... I am getting more "perasan".
~The "Perasan" Me~
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
~* Look RIGHT In Front Of You! *~
However, i am wondering if he feels tired of trying to fit in so badly until he hurts people around him and does things which he actually does not like or has no interest in it. This makes me realise one point, "What's the point of keep getting new friends like doing collection when someone just can't maintain the existing ones next to him?"
I am glad that though i don't CONSTANTLY making new friends, i still have the existing ones and i get to maintain them. After few years, we still can chat with each other, go out with each other, or even supporting each other!
It's time to repent, dude.
Monday, July 14, 2008
*~ A [D]iu [N]ia [S]ing Affair ~*
But still, A&W's one is nicer!
Wei Mun was my "neighbour" in class for two years in the row.
Poh Sze, the one who posted the DNS affair in her blog.
Lee Miin, the one who talks on the phone with the family members as if she is talking to the boyfriend. =_="
After we dumped Wei Mun at Hair Index for a haircut, the rest of us went to MNG since i wanted to get some clothes. I did! I did! I managed to get:
A top from MNG.
A skirt from MNG.
A pair of jeans from Giordano.
A pair of socks from Giordano.
"As she was walking towards us, I sensed there was this ladylike air around her. A womanly aura perhaps. LOL. Okay. Let's be serious now. But really, after so long not meeting her, she's prettier than before! Not that she wasnt pretty all these while, but prettier is better than pretty right? At least she had flawless complexion :( Sob sob. Lol. Okay, and she had on eyeliner too. Leng ah! Haha. And her hair was tied up into a neat bun of some sort? All in all, jeng la girl! Haha. Dont worry about guys la. Sure they'll be lining up until 9 streets =D"
(Kenapa? Tak percaya kah? Haha~)
~* Japanese Affair *~
All the lala wannabes are migrating to Pavilion.
We saw a lot of people surrounding the models and we went there to take a look.
It was Philosophy Men having its fashion show-off. =_="
Pui Yen and i got to snap photos with the posers.
(I did not bother about them but i just wanted to take a nice picture with my dear friend.)
Hey! I look pretty in the picture, by the way.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
*~ Make Yourself At Home ~*
I look chubby, right?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
~* Kermit *~
A very good one from Poh Sze. :D
But i feel like changing it into my way, my life.
"I had seen many frogs that i thought would be my prince. Yeah~ And most of them did turn into a prince to me in my heart, but not for long. Still a frog after that (or half prince?). When can i just a meet a prince and stay in the palace and enjoy my life?"
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
*~ Pay Raise ~*
But, i am really desperate for a new laptop and a new camera!
(Please don't come to me after this. :P)
*Pray hard that he reads this without chasing after me later on and willing to give me extra few hundreds bucks*
Look! I am really desperate though i know most probably that he won't be reading this!
Me, the Ridiculous Bitch!
*~ To Work or Not To Work ~*
- I can get the rest i want before college starts.
- I am able to go for a
shorttrip with friends.
- Being paid lesser for salary than i am supposed to get. I'm still poor, okay? I am not paid for working overtime. (However, i still don't hesitate to work overtime because of the good sense of achievement.)
- I'm going to miss the people i am working with. :( Again, i know you all must be thinking, "Stupid girl! You can go back to visit them anytime you want!" But, i just want to spend more time with them mahhh.... As if i am going to die laaa.... Can i?
Also, i don't have the motivation to work anymore. I'm exhausted!
Honestly, i don't feel like studying and i don't feel like working too! Can i just marry to a rich guy and willing to spend on me (No point for getting a stingy rich guy. Pointless.) ? Or just let me strike in lottery?Soooooo fuck up with my life.
*Bitchslap myself* "Stop whining about your life, bitch! Some people are even more fucked up!"
Motivate me to work, please!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
~* Night Dim Sum Session *~
Stupid Matthew and Samuel. When ordering the dim sum, they went like, "Two for this. Two for that. Double. Double," while pointing here and there at the dim sum. We were experiencing food overload. Oh well, never mind. We still had fun there.
A personal note to myself: You have tried it. It's time to stop and don't go any deeper. :)
*~ Re-camwhoring ~*
Speedy is insulting the Chinese Male singers! Yerrr~ Leo Ku is there too. :(
Okay. It had been a long time since i last camwhored.
Two of the camwhoring pictures are enough here though i took TONNES of them.
Okay. Pavilion had a launch for sale.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
~* A Quite Ouch-ing Chat *~
"Jun Jun"
"Mun Mun"
"Haha~ How are you, dude?"
"Okay laa.... How about you?"
"Okay okay also lorr.... Always work, work and work."
"Until when?"
"Then for weekends, i keep on finding activities to occupy myself. I work until end of this month. After that, my second year will start."
"For weekends you go for dating mahhh. I know."
"I broke up with him already for 2 months."
"Err... But my friends said they saw you guys at Mid Valley. Sorry. I don't know."
"Then the girl was definitely not me. I am not so lucky anymore."
Yer... A bit of heartache lerr... :(
*~ Not-So-Merry-Go-Round ~*
After knowing that i had started the relationship with my ex, how did u feel?
What? Before i answer that, why do you want to know? Will it satisfy your needs?
Because i'm having problem here which is holding me back from getting over him completely. It's due to my kiasu-ness and the fact that i'm being dumped.
What am i got to do with this? Haha~ this is weird.
Just asking laaa...
If you really want to know, it was pissing me off. How did i feel? I felt shitty. So shitty. I lost myself. I was so pissed because everyone that knows you and me came up to me and told me about it. I knew it last. Ooh... and so blardy disappointed because it was quite fast right after our incident. Lol... Then, i revamped my mind so i did not waste my time thinking of you because it was not worth it.
See it? Until i had to ask someone for his experience. From the guy i once hurt! Pai seh~ It's God's intention. God says, "You had once dumped a guy first. Now, it's your turn being dumped. You might also need to accept your ex's new girlfriend in future. Now, go and prepare yourself for that. Take all these as a pinch of salt to your life." Thus, i ended up asking Awesome since last time, he had to accept the fact that i had started another relationship soon after our issue.
Yeah~ Hopefully, i can really get over this and take everything as a pinch of salt.
By the way, if i had really involved in a relationship with Awesome, i could tell he was going to pamper me like nobody's business based on his characteristics. Muahahahh~ But, we are remained as good friends until now.
Friday, July 4, 2008
~* Many Thoughts At Once *~
What a boring relaxing Friday i am having. It's better for me not to elaborate further on this or else i will be loaded with works for the following weeks. Oh yeah~ Since morning, i had been eating and drinking on average of every 3 hours.
I have another 3 weeks to go before college starts and i don't feel like studying anymore. I don't feel like working either. Stupid thought, right? I know. You don't have to remind me of that.
Two days ago, i was aware that my 20th birthday will fall on a Friday. Hey, i really hope to have a great wild night celebration this year. At the same time, it is on a Friday. Thus, whatelse besides enjoying after a week of study or a week of work?
I'm looking for sponsorship, people. Yeshh~ I'm really looking for SPONSORSHIP. I want to invest in a laptop or a camera or, even better, BOTH. The camera i am eyeing on is the latest Fujifilm J10 (RM699.00), meanwhile the laptop i want either the HP Mini Notebook and Lenovo Y410 (Both also cost around RM2,000.00).
Oh my God, i have no plan for these Saturday and Sunday? I can't believe it! Ishh~ Oh no, it means i have to do my shopping ALONE? Damn it! Yerr.... Why no plan wann...!!! *Nudge, nudge, nudge*
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
*~ My Words, My Life ~*
I must live better than you.
I won't allow you to look down on me.
I can't let you look at the awful me.
Yes, i can't lose my
just because of you!